About Let Her Roam
Hey y'all!
My name is Shelby and I'm the Owner of Let Her Roam Jewelry Co. So a little backstory about me, I am a stay at home Mom located in small town West Texas. I have the most supportive husband and a 2 year old little monster that is my absolute pride and joy! I have always been a creative person and my husband told me for years that I need to find a hobby/ passion that would be an outlet for my creativity. Well, one day my sister brought up the idea of handmade jewelry so i started messing around with clay and when I mentioned the idea to my husband he saw the potential and after a TON of convincing he pushed me out of my comfort zone to start selling to the public! Without him having so much faith in me and this little dream of mine I'm sure I would still be wondering about the "what if". Starting this little business has been a journey in its own but I have absolutely loved the ride!
While choosing the name I wanted something that had a true meaning to myself. I have always struggle with confidence in anything I've done, feeling like it was never "perfect" or people would not be happy with what I've created. The anxiety I constantly felt always took advantage of my thoughts and would create doubt, I'd convince myself to give up and I caught myself doing that exact thing when planning this business. "Let Her Roam" Is more of a demand from my soul to my mind saying I am no longer allowing the anxiety to define me, I will let myself try, experience things and take a chance at something that has potential to be beautiful!